Rabu, 17 Oktober 2018

How To Make a Simple Calculation Application in Eclipse

First, make a new project by clicking file > new > Android Application Project

Click Next
You could change the icon, but let's just skip it.
You can try the other activity, but in this project, I'm using the blank one.
Here, you can change the name of activity, let's leave it as default.
Click the activity_main.xml beside the graphical layout, and type these script.
Open the Activity by expanding ProjectName > src >com.example.ProjectName > ActivityName.java and then type this script
Export the project by clicking file > export
Click Next
Choose the project you want to export
Select Create new keystore if you don't have one, but if tou have you can use your existing keystore
Fill the form with anything you like, for example mine here
Select the project destination and your apk file will be there.

Sorry i'm late, because of this....